This is some Bloom Day. The wind is howling and there is ice on the tall bird bath out in the garden. On the bright side there are quite a few blooms in the garden even if they are spread out. Like the creeping phlox and the native phlox diverticulata are blooming. Hellebores are still sporting a few blooms but they are mostly going over to seeds.
The Crabapple tree (that pink spot in the back of the above picture center) is blooming beautifully.
The first Iris
Cristata ‘Powder Blue Giant’ started blooming yesterday.
There are several Grape hyacinths blooming. This pale blue one I have moved around to different places in the garden because it seems to like it here.
There are a few late daffodils blooming now but they won't last long in this freezing weathers.
Dicentra Gold Heart came up early this year and has a few blooms on it.
The pink dogwood out front is really pretty but is difficult to get a good picture of the overall tree. It is supposed to be Rubra but has always been pink.
The native Columbines are beginning to bloom. This usually means there will be hummingbirds at any moment in the garden. Maybe this wind will blow them in to the area.

The Chocolate Chips Ajuga is blooming here and there around the garden. I like the way it pairs with the bright red twig dogwood Biltmore. My photo doesn't do it justice.
I hope all is well with you and yours and you are able to get out in your garden today. If you can't pop over to
Carol's May Dreams Garden to view other Garden Bloggers Blooms.
Other plants blooming in the garden:
Variegated Soloman's Seal
Brunnera Ghost
Golden Alexander Zizia Aurea
Yellow terillium Luteum
various Tulips
Spring Beauties Claytonia virginica
Leather leaf Viburnum
Button Spirea
Pink Flowering Almond Shrub Prunus Glandulosa
Eastern Redbud Tree Cercis Canadensis