Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Around here no one can complain about the weather holding them back from voting. It was a very warm sunny day. There was less than a 30 minute wait where I voted. The line didn't ever dimish while we were there. A steady flow. It will be interesting to see who wins.


  1. Good for you, Lisa. My family all early-voted here in Texas. Indiana is really in play this year -- it's going to be a fascinating night. (I'm a political junkie, and used to be a political consultant and my husband is still involved in it.)

  2. Beautiful weather here in the Ozarks, too. The poll workers said turn out had been good in our precinct. When I voted around three o'clock, I was the 32nd person to cast a ballot. The brownies at the polling station munchies table looked mighty good, but I resisted the temptation.

  3. We had lovely weather also. I was number 200 and the judges (all people I know) clapped for me when I walked in. :) Doesn't voting make you feel good!?

  4. Hi Lisa, it looks like a perfect fall day for your state, and ours too. I early voted, as always, but kind of missed the excitement of joining in on the big day. My husband did vote yesterday and said there was no line at all, maybe they all voted early, for we did have a long line!


  5. Lisa,

    I voted early and missed the free coffee from Starbucks because I left my I Voted sticker at home! There were record numbers of early voting in TN and only a few problems that I heard about last night...college students and id's!

  6. Freedom to vote is a great and wonderful privilege bought and paid for by the precious blood of patriots. I'm glad to see this year more and more folks have taken advantage of that right.

    We early voted last week and stood in line for 2 hours. Everyone said yesterday was easier than that. I'm going to remember that next time.

  7. Warm, beautiful weather here as well and no wait at all. Voting was steady and calm and busy all day.

  8. A 30 minute wait is great. I really didn't mind waiting for over an hour... Election Day is only once in four years. I'm looking forward to know what the next four years will bring!

  9. I hope you are happy with the results Lisa......

  10. I missed this post yesterday, Lisa, so of course now we all know who won. I am excited about the results, but no matter who anyone voted for, I think it was awesome that the turnout was so great. Voting for our leaders is one of the greatest freedoms Americans have!

  11. Lovely day for voting!
    My husband and I walked to the polls!
    Very pretty picture of the trees.

  12. It was a gorgeous day here, too. I meant to ask the ladies working at the polling location if it had been busy or busier than usual, and I forgot.


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