While Thanksgiving day was opened by a big blazing sun we weren't so lucky with the weather today.

Today we almost decided to stay at home due to the foggy conditions. We also had some rain this morning to add to the miserable conditions.

While we didn't think we were going to be lucky enough to see much of anything at our usual birding area things did start to reveal themselves to us. There were the usual Great Blue Herons. We usually can't get too close to them but with the fog almost acting as a blind we did get fairly close to some of them. I thought this made an interesting shot.

Even the huge rafts of Mallards let us get close to them. Of course as soon as they realized we were so near they all took off.

One of the most interesting sights we saw today was, no not thise lovely little coot but one of its own being devoured by an adult Bald Eagle. Unfortunately when we got close enough to see what was happening we were unable to get a picture because the Eagle took off with its breakfast dangling from its talons.

All that was left behind were the feathers that the Eagle had been plucking.

As we went around the SW end of the area we bird to an area we don't hit every week we were thrilled to find 8, no not 8 tiny reindeer, 8 huge Whooping Cranes flying through the air.

I mean this is almost unheard of anyplace since these birds are still an endangered species. This area is right along the Wabash River which we suppose that the Whooping Cranes were following south.

We ran into a hunter that told us they had been in this area for 2 weeks. Some of them have radio transmitters on them and they are being monitered by every agency that has a concern for them.
There are two immatures in this group. If you enlarge one of the pictures you can see the cinnamon coloring on the juveniles. It takes a whole year for the juveniles to molt into adult plummage.

There they go into the fog. Just a magical moment seeing these birds come out of the fog into view.

I am so thankful that my DB took these wonderful pictures. I was way too excited to even think about it. I hope you all are having a good day too despite any foul weather.
Wow! I thought the heron picture was beautiful; then you showed us the Whooping Cranes! What a wonderful thing to get to see!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the gift of the Whooping Cranes! Most of us will never get to see them~~they are magnificent...I know you must be glad that you decided to venture out! Gail
I ditto Joyce! What a marvelous outing you ended up having.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa, how exciting for us all, and thanks for sharing this magical moment with us. You must have been thrilled. The fog only adds to the enchantment, so glad you went in spite of it.
Ohmygoodness. What a beautiful day you had! Thank you for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteYou must have a great camera - those are wonderful photographs! (BTW, I really don't like fog - at least, not driving in it!) But the photos were lovely! :-)
Lisa that little coot has the biggest feet! I love the image of the heron!!
ReplyDeleteSimply beautiful..worth framing!! Black frame and white mat..simply gorgeous!! Snow and rain right now!!!
I saw on our local weather that you are having snow up there now. I hope those whooping cranes quit their dilly-dallying around and got headed back here to South Texas where they belong for the winter.
ReplyDeleteI also peeked at your art blog, your work agrees with me and my tastes.
Thanks, Lisa, for reading my 'poem' and for your nice comment. I need encouragement.
BTW, all my life since I was able I have been drawing this (profile) picture of me. In grade school I could draw a horse 'as well' but I have forgotten how now.
Terrific news about the Whooping Cranes!! Whoop! Whoop!! :-0
ReplyDeleteWhat a thrill that must have been. I can't imagine adding even a single one to my life list!
Great photos too ;-)
Lisa! these photos are just AWESOME!! Each one is so special, I was sitting here in awe as each one came into view. What a fabulous experience and it seems like I say this everytime you go birding...thank you for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteThere is a nature preserve about 10 miles from our house in Wisconsin where they raise those whoopers and the take them to Fla. with the plane. Awesome photos!!
What a thrill that must have been for you, Lisa! There was a photo in our paper this past week about whooping cranes being led by a glider to show them the way South. But to see them in the wild like this is quite a sight.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos Lisa, and your DB. The heron shot is amazing with the fog, and the 8 cranes are so beautiful. I love reading about your birding adventures and getting educated. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLisa, I can almost see your smiles from here. I know how thrilling it must havebeen for you to see the beautiful birds. Since they are being tracked can you go on line and follow them as well? I loved the picture of the heron-that's the one I would frame!
ReplyDeleteThat is one successful day of bird-watching! I feel certain the closest I will get to whooping cranes is reading about them here.
ReplyDeleteOne never knows, though.
How exciting Lisa! Whooping Cranes! WOW! They are beautiful. And, I love the photo of the Heron in the fog too. :c)
ReplyDeleteAwesome pictures. I love a foggy morning. It is almost as quiet and still as a snowy morning--or at least it is in my memory. ;-)
ReplyDeleteLoved the shot of the little Coot. And what a sight of the Whooping Cranes! Thanks for sharing--I feel like I was right there with you.
Did you say Herons? Woooow! I've never seen them even in Wildlife Parks here. Excellent captures of the Cranes. You're so lucky. How I wish birds visited my city too!
ReplyDeleteI love those shots you got in the fog!
Dear Lisa,
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!!! Lisa I am so excited to see these pictures. Knowing there are Whooping Cranes doing fine just pleases me so very much. What a magical moment for you. WOW!!
Thank you to your dh for the fantastic photgraphs.
The Blue Heron in the fog is a fantastic photgraph too.
Seeing the Whooping Cranes is just amazing...going back for more wowing...
Thank you!
Lisa, you definitely have the top birding spot in the state of Indiana. It amazes me what you see there. Your timing is awesome too. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThose whooping cranes were really whooping it up, faul weather or no. ;-) Pics of birds are really very cheerful this time of year, don't you think? Thanks for sharing, Lisa.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa.....I love the photograph of the heron.....so mystical.....one of my favourite birds......
ReplyDeleteThe whooping cranes are amazing....what an incredible sight....you must have felt so priviledged to see them.....again lovely captures....well done DB
Hi Lisa, considering the foggy conditions these photographs are stunning, I really like the heron shot, sets a great seen.
ReplyDeleteI was loving the birds in the mist then --- Whooping Cranes! What a blessing! I'm so glad that you were there with your camera to share them with us.
ReplyDeleteWhooping Cranes? I am SO JEALOUS Lisa! I just got a glimpse of one last summer in Wisconsin, but to see a whole flock with juveniles too.....WOW. Way to go and thanks for sharing those pictures with us.
ReplyDeleteWow! I love that photo of the heron in the mist! Very nice!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on spotting the eight Whooping Cranes. Wow! What a catch! You did an excellent job capturing them in such lovely photos. And that's something we can all be thankful for. :-)
Lovely red red sunset and loving the flying folks:)
ReplyDeleteHerons, Bald Eagles, Whooping Cranes ... sounds like y'all had a great outing. Seeing your DB's shots of the cranes is exciting, but the foggy silhouette of the GBH is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures Lisa! I love the flying cranes.
ReplyDeleteI really should start bird watching and photographing again....
Those pictures are wonderful, especially the first one, with the sun or with the fog.
ReplyDeleteCranes are supposed to bring luck, ain't they?
I wanted to email you about my cats, but as usual, I get bounced back...
Great bird pix! Especially the heron. Turned into a good day for a drive after all. A day to give thanks for indeed.
ReplyDeleteLisa, (trying to catch up here) Wow. what a terrific sight out of the grey fog into the light. I have seen the whooping cranes here but not very often. So glad you were able to get out on your foggy day. I've found that when I least expect to see birds--- I'm always surprised by them.
ReplyDeleteGreat day Lisa! Sightings like this one make some days out of garden a wonderfull day and give to you more energy to continue birding. For sure you enjoy your day out of garden and your DB take good "shots".