Sunday, March 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day 3/15/09

While this doesn't look much like a bloom at first glance this rock is covered with blooming moss. I just love to discover the moss in early spring with their limey green blooms going on the rock. It is looking very Irish wouldn't you say?? A new bloom for this month is also a new bloom for my garden ever. This is a Hellebore that is a passalong plant and I don't know what kind it is. It is different than any others in my garden. The bloom stalk is tall and the blooms are a pinkish color and hang straight down. This bloom stalk seemed to come from nowhere except for the fact I knew there were helebores planted here. I was so happy it decided to make a show this month at bloom day. I had to hold its little face up to take a picture of it. It sure is a pretty blush of color.The only daffodils that I have blooming right now are the minatures. They are in clumps scattered all around the garden. They may be the smallest but they are the bravest as they pop up first and are the first daffodils to bloom every year.
One of my favorites is really putting on a show this spring. Pussy Willow. It is just full of these beautiful little catkins. I can hardly keep my hands off of them.
The other flowers blooming in my garden I posted a week ago. You can see them here. To see blooms from other gardens located all over the world go to Carol's May Dreams Gardens. Carol is the one that started this fun mid month show of blooms. If you want to join in making this bouquet even larger post your pictures then go to May Dreams Gardens and leave your address on Mr Linky and/or a comment for Carol.


  1. You warm my heart with blooming moss :) this bloom I also have, but I forgot it. You are right to bright it up.
    Happy GBBD!

  2. Looking at your nice pictures I think your and my garden actually have the same "position"....they show that Spring has (finally) arrived.
    Have a lovely Sunday, Lisa!

  3. "Making this bouquet even larger"... what a great sentiment for bloom day. It is like a giant world-wide bouquet of flowers!

    I'm not that far north of you, but I guess I'm far enough north that my miniature daffodils aren't blooming either. I suppose they'll open up tomorrow.

    And I love the moss flowers! I have some moss in a few spots, I should have checked them. That's a first for bloom day.

    Thanks for joining in with a great post!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  4. I have some mossy rocks, too; they are so incredibly green at this time of year as the snow melts and reveals them. I had not made the Irish connection but it's perfect — as are those darling little daffs!

  5. So nice to see that you have blooming things Lisa. :c) I have some daffodils just about to burst open... double blooms. Can't wait to see them.

  6. Hi Lisa, you have the best early spring flowers, hooray! That hellebore is a beauty, odd the single stalk though. Love those catkins too. I am trying to coppice mine so it doesn't get so big, but haven't had the nerve to cut those branches to the base just yet. I do it with the dappled willow with no problem, and the smoke bush, right to the ground. Soon it needs to be done to let the branches have time to grow straight and strong.

  7. That moss is delightfully alive and beautiful. The earliest signs of spring in the garden are exciting.

  8. Lisa, Aren't we lucky to have discovered hellebores! They have totally captivated my attention this spring! Like Ewa...I am glad you are showing us often overlooked but fantastic green for the garden! .....and so near St Pat's Day, too!
    Happiest of Bloom Days to you! gail

  9. That is a lovely Hellebore. How thoughtful of it to open in time for Bloom Day. I love the little Daffodils. They look great in clumps.

  10. I especially adore the lime green blooms on the rock, it's my favourite colour:)
    The yellow blossoms also look so fresh and inviting!!!!

  11. I remember how amazed I was the first time I noticed the blooms on moss! I don't think it was this early in the year, though. And I can't check because we still have so much snow at our house - but I am posting from Boston today.

  12. Lisa, That is a beautiful hellebore; I love the color! I don't have anything really blooming in my garden, but I do have some pussy willows starting to bud--there is hope for spring!

  13. The moss is such a beautiful colour and is perfect for St. Patrick's Day. I love the colour of the Hellebore. The Pussy Willows are always a welcome sign of spring (much better than ants). Happy Bloom Day!

  14. That green is indeed perfect for St. Pat's! Love that flower and yes, I know what you mean about 'trying' to keep your hands off the pussywillows!

  15. The mossy rock is beautiful Lisa! Green is very welcome, especially so early in the spring and I love moss. My husband likes to power wash it off the pavers around the garden, but last year I convinced him to leave it alone - less work for him, and we're both happy!

    Your hellebore is beautiful - how lucky to get a pass along!

  16. Everybody's hellebores are always further along that mine. It is simply not fair! I actually think mini daffodils are the best kind. I have been trying to cultivate some, but without much luck. Your garden looks very lovely and natural, as always.

  17. More great beauties for Bloom Day. I'm lovin' all of them, and the moss is just splendid. Happy Bloom Day.~~Dee

  18. I love moss covered rocks in the garden.

  19. Lisa:
    Your Irish rock pleases me! Better hide it because if I were closer it may go missing!LOL.. I love moss covered rocks!!
    Your garden certainly has Spring beauties!! Such a perfect bunch of dafs!

  20. Love seeing ALL the blooms! My favorite is the moss... such a beautiful green!!!!

  21. I just love the moss rock. I think moss is the very best thing to have in a garden. I wish I had more of it in mine.

  22. I sound like everyone else, but I love the moss.

  23. We are off and running and there is no stopping us now!

  24. Your hellebore and sweet daffs sing of spring. The mossy rock is perfect for St. Patrick's Day.

  25. Lisa,
    Your blooms are beautiful! All these spring flowers are just making me feel good all over!--Randy

  26. Your daffodils are beautiful and I've always wanted a pussy willow. How big does yours get?

  27. It definitely looks like spring has arrived in Indiana! Very pretty flowers Lisa.

  28. Your pussy willow is so cute. I used to have several by the creek and Mr Farmer (nothing else is allowed to live within 50 feet of my corn) killed it all. Very sad.

    I wish we could keep that moss on the rocks and planters all year like they do in England.

  29. Dear Lisa.....I love moss to, I have lots in my garden.....and as you say perfect for St Patricks's Day...

    The helebore is gorgeous, so pretty......mine have done very well this year....must be the cold winter we have just had.....can't have enough of them myself.....

    Pussy willow is very tactile.....I can understand you not being able to leave it alone...

  30. Dear Lisa,
    Your moss rock is perfect for St. Pat's Day!
    All your flowers are lovely. The parade of flowers has begun. I enjoy seeing what is in bloom in all the different gardens. I love the way you see all the different gardens being one big bouquet!

  31. Hey Lisa, you know I'm a fan of mossy rocks and that is a beauty isn't it! Ah... your hellebores are out too. This is a lovely time of year isn't it? Happy GBBD :-D

  32. Thank you all for your comments about bloom day. It does feel like the season is about to begin.

    Phillip the pussywillow is taller than our 4' fence and about as wide. It is only two years old, at least that is how long I have had it. So we will have to wait to see how big it will actually grow.

  33. I love that you've included the catkins on your pussy willow as 'blooms'. I never looked at mine in that way but I guess you're right. I have several black pussy willows and the catkins are lovely when they open.

  34. You're right - the catkins are adorable. Why not make the moss covered rock your own personal Blarney Stone?

  35. Lisa, You're pretty far ahead of us over here, but I wouldn't have thought it would be so... Great things happening in your yard! I'm getting excited!! :-)

  36. The green moss 'rocks', Lisa :) I love to see the bright green on the logs lining a few of my gardens.
    Your Hellebore is a gorgeous color!
    And lucky you to have daffs blooming.
    Isn't it wonderful to have blooms in the garden again?

  37. I know exactly what you mean by not being able to keep your hands off the pussy willows! It's no wonder little kids put them up their noses! LOL!

    (Yes, I know of two kids who did that, and one had to go to the ER to get it out! No, mine didn't do it.)

  38. Lisa - your Hellebore is a blushing beauty -- and I love the Pussywillow. Things are really greening up in Indiana and in your garden.


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