Sunday, May 16, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - May 2010

When I think of what is blooming in my garden at this time I think of Honeysuckle. Of course there are
many other things blooming in the garden now but what catches my attention now is the honeysuckle. I guess it is because the hummingbirds are back in the neighborhood setting up housekeeping and they are often see at the honeysuckle vines dining. Their favorite seems to be the native Lonicera sempervirens.
I could think this because it is the honeysuckle growing closest to the house and I tend to watch it more often. The next favored is the Late Dutch Honeysuckle 'Serotina'.
The honeysuckle that is planted out front where I don't wander near as much is the 'Mandarin'. This poor thing has nearly died to the ground a couple of times. It doesn't seem to thrive but it won't completely give up.  So I haven't given up on it either. I have decided to try to make it a topiary. So far so good. It will have sporatic blooms after this flush. I will keep the ball of foliage at the top of the vine trimmed  after it is finishe with this flush of bloom.
My one and only climbing rose is blooming. I can't find any paperwork on it to tell you what it is called. You will just have to enjoy these fleeting blooms as I do. It only blooms through the first of May then it just stands there like a sentinal in the garden.
The white and blue combine blooming. My favorite and the favorite of the bumble bees is native columbine which are blooming up a storm.
The beared Irises are winding down.

The White Siberian Iris 'Seagull' is beginning to light up the shade garden. I know it isn't supposed to do very well in the shade but this Iris is fantastic. I have it growing in the shade full sun, wet and dry areas. It just insists on being beautiful where ever it is planted.
The scentsations are beginning in the garden too.  I have two Mock Orange shrubs that smell devine. This one is planted by the patio where we can enjoy it most often. It has a single bloom.
The one with the double bloom is further away. It isn't as pretty as a bush but the blooms and fragrance is worth the space it takes in the garden.
I want to thank Carol at May Dreams Garden for starting this habit of mine of writing down what all is blooming in the garden on the 15th of the month. You can join everyone listing here.  I have listed here just a few things athat are blooming in my garden. The full list is in my hand written journal. I hope to be able to pop around the net and see what all is blooming in your garden now.
Also blooming in my garden now: 
Meadow Rue
Golden Alexander
Creeping sedum
Ramona Clematis
Jackmanii Clematis
Bleu-eyed Grass
Black Elderberry
Water plant
Cordyalis lutens yellow
Japanese Kerria
And all those things I have forgotten.
Please forgive the misspelling and the lack of scientific names.


  1. Your garden must smell heavenly, Lisa! The honeysuckle always brings back memories of when I was a little girl. Lovely irises, too; I'm hoping to have more of these next year. Hope you are doing well, Lisa.

  2. Don't you worry one bit about spellings or names, Lisa. The main thing is you're gardening, having a blast doing so, and have gorgeous plants. Nothing else matters except that you also encourage others, which is one of the reasons I read your blog! xx

  3. Beautiful blooms Lisa. The white iris is lovely...I must put that on my wish list.

    Honeysuckle and hummingbirds, you are just so lucky. The combination is wonderful. I expect you will get your paints and brushes out......

    Your gardens are way ahead of mine.....the cold winter followed by a cold spring has slowed everything down. We are just beginning to warm up today.....

  4. Your honeysuckles are so pretty! I'm trying to decide on a honeysuckle. I don't like orange, so I'll have to either find a L. sempervirens cultivar, go with 'Goldflame' or get that pink Serotina that you have.
    I love the color of your bearded Irises.

  5. Lisa I bet your garden smells so good with the different honeysuckles around.Your irises are so pretty.I am really fond of your white one.Wonderful blooms.

  6. You do have a variety of must smell wonderful there. I have 'Major Wheeler', coral red honeysuckle and I can't tell you if the hummingbirds are visiting it or not because I planted it near the garage, which is not in my normal view unless I'm right there. Makes me think I should move it to a place in view of the kitchen window. Or, I suppose I could just get another variety that you've shown; that way I won't need to disturb its roots!

  7. Hey there Lisa girl !
    I have a lot of what you have : ) but I gave up on honeysuckle a while back .. I was sort of "green" to gardening way back then and was totally freaked out by an infestation of aphids on the one and only honeysuckle I had .. don't ask .. you don't want to know ! LOL
    I love those white iris ! they really stand out : )
    I have had a gold mock orange for ages and it has yet to EVER flower for me ? !!
    I have canadensis columbine too ! I love how detailed and how pretty it looks : )
    Great blooms girl .. Dave and the gang send their regards : ) LOL

  8. You have lots blooming in your garden, I bet it smells divine!

    The first honeysuckle would look pretty on my aqua ladder and it attracts hummingbirds is another plus!

    I hope we get some sonshine this week for gardening. I checked the 10 day and it doesn't look very promising.

  9. Your honeysuckles look so pretty! All those lovely fragrances you must have right now. Your Mock Orange is pretty too. The one I have does not have such large blooms (and for some reason didn't put on that many blooms this year).

  10. Your double mockorange looks so pretty with all of the extra petals. I have a small, hardy mockorange planted next to my patio, and love the scent when I sit out in the early evening.

  11. I'm imagining the lovely scent right now... and adoring all of those honeysuckle! By the way, will you tell all of the hummingbirds that are heading past you to Ohio that honeysuckles are fine dining? I just never see any here! :(

  12. I think celebrating a plant that brings in the hummers is perfect! Must try the white iris~it sound like a great plant. It started raining again and the ground id wet...I can send PPPP this week. xxgail

  13. Hi Lisa,
    How nice to have an iris that performs no matter where you site it. We all need some easy-peasy plants we can trust no matter what. Loving all your honeysuckle and the topiary is a great look, too.

  14. Your flowers are gorgeous. I love the varieties of honeysuckle. It's everywhere here, and it is intoxicating.

  15. Lisa, your spring garden is glorious. Isn't it wonderful to have all those glorious blooms? I have 2 different honeysuckles and love them both. What a joy it is to have the hummers back. Just in time to welcome my hubby home :) Thanks for the visit. It's always so nice to "see" you :)

  16. I may have to try that Iris as I have more shade than sun. What an array you have this bloom day!

  17. Wow! My honeysuckle isn't even thinking of blooming. Oh, wait. That's because it's trumpet vine I'm thinking of, not hs at all, which is of course in bloom here. Note to self: Do not try to catch up on blog commenting at 1:00 am. Oops.


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