The lizard on the rock is of course not real. However most dogs sniff this lizard. It has such a good personality with the tail all curled up. It does move around on the rock from time to time. I often wonder if the garden fairies make it come alive and when I look for it it stops where it was so I can't see it moving.
I have watered and watered this rock to try to get moss to grow on it. It looks like I might have some beginning. On several of my rocks I would like to encourage moss and lichen to grow. Has anyone had success with the Buttermilk techinique? I will have to give it a try to see how it goes.
Frances over at Faire Garden had a post about her wonderful stones. If you want to see some nice wall building with rocks Christopher C at Outside Clyde is posting about the wall he is dry stacking. Here at Greenbow I have a small collection of rocks I find here and there. I try to display them to their best advantage.
This path goes through a flower bed in the front garden. I have a couple of taller rocks on either side of the path to help guide you through this path. During summer it is really a pass through and gets quite over shadowed with flowers.
This rock is fairly large. It isn't really good for much other than what it is doing becasue it is a very soft rock. It peels off in layers now and then. Right now it is a base for a weather vane that has seen better days.
This is another path that cuts through a flower bed and leads you to a path that will take you around the garage side of the house.
This big ole stone is one of my better rocks. It is thick and of a good quality. Do flaking off on this stone. It sits where three paths join. It was given to me by a friend that occasionally finds good stones where he works.
This stone is a good size. Thick and fairly long but it is of the flaking variety so it just sits there looking good.
This stone peeking out of the snow came from MI. There is some thyme growing around it.
I like this stone because it is a heart shaped rock. I like rocks that have an interesting shape. I have some smaller rocks that I found in AK that look like a mitten. Now that is very appropriate for where I found it.
I think this stone is an intersting shape. It is like a fist with someone pointing a finger. It is now sitting pointing skyward but I sometimes use it as a directional along a path.
Some more of that winter dreamin' of mine would be of a rock large enough I could climb up on it and sit. A rock for contemplation or mere dreamin'.
Dear Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI too love rocks! Your collection is very nice. I have the "rock pile" that was once at my parents house. My father dug the rocks out when he put the foundation in for our childhood home. Those rocks are the edge of two of my flower beds.
I have moss rock as the edge for a few other beds. Moss does grow on them too. I adore moss! In my yard it does the best in deep shade and lots of mositure.
My husband has brought home many boulders for my beds. I can sit on them and view the world!
Years ago we would have rock night. We would go in search of rocks for our yard.
When it is very, very cold outside I will bring in a couple of rocks and heat them by the fire. When I go out to be with the birds I take my "hot rocks" and place them under my chair. LOL! I also will heat rocks up for the birds!
Fun post!
Glad to see the snow is melting for you.
Stay warm.
I may not be able to visit again before I leave. I do want to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas.
Thank you for your friendship.
It means the temps are getting warmer and rocks are appearing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the rock tour, Lisa. If rocks could be emailed, I'd gladly add to your collection.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link! I find the moss grows best if the rock is facing north and in the shade. Take a little moss, wherever you can find it, and rub it on the wet surface of a shady rock. Also, for a while fish emulsion was used in a sprayer to feed the container plantings. Wherever the overspray hit, voila, moss grew. Now is the time to go moss gathering. Good hunting.
ReplyDeleteA lovely collection, Lisa. The last one is especially interesting--how cool that you thought to set it upright instead of laying it flat, so you can really admire the layers. I guess you can describe yourself as a real rock gardener!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what you want your rocks to do; all of my rocks also just sit there. Are there any rocks that tapdance or change shape? :) You have a nice collection of rocks. (I wish I had that many.) A boulder to sit on would be a great thing, but it would cost quite a bit to move it to your property. Maybe it would make a good gift for a special occasion?
ReplyDeleteNice rocks Lisa. Interesting how the snow melts around them first. The sun must have come out for a bit.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there has been enough snow here yet for that effect, but I like the idea. I could pick a focal point area in the sun to place some nice boulders for that look.
Oh Sherry to have rocks from your Daddy's land dug by him. What a treasure.
ReplyDeleteA husband that brings a wife boulders big enough she can sit upon is a keeper.
Have a great time with your family this holiday season. Be safe on the roads. I do wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.
And Dear Sherry it is indeed my pleasure being a blogger friend of yours.
Today (wednesday) Monarchblfy the snow is gone except in the deepest shade of the garden.
Marvin, You are quite welcome for the rock tour. I could have bored you for ages if I chose to show all my rocks.
Frances, you are welcome for the link. I will try some of your tips for creating moss.
Thanks Nan. I do like my rocks.
MrMcD. I want my rocks to grow moss and lichen as they sit there looking pretty. I have asked for a boulder to sit on for a special occasion but my DB thinks I have rocks in my head for asking. :/
Christopher, I have said it before I envy you all your rocks. I bet you will see this phenom any time it snows at your place. Having a special boulder collection in the sun would be mighty nice. I could think of all kinds of rock projects for you when you get your wall and patio finished. :)
Hi there, Lisa – I too am a huge rock fan :-D
ReplyDeleteI began gardening by moving my father’s rockery from one side of his lawn to the other. I was ten!
I too have rocks that have been dug from the soil. I spotted a pile at a local farm and persuaded the farmer to let me have them – at a small cost. He was going to crush them anyway. They are as big as we could manhandle into the bucket of a digger. One or two gave us great difficulty in moving so they are pretty much ‘set in stone’ in my garden. You can imagine the grin on my face when the digger delivered them (gently) on to my drive! I was like a child in a toyshop – which one to choose first :-D
I love your photos – what a lovely effect when the snow melts isn’t it. In my partial shady garden I have no problems with moss growing on my rocks. A tip gardeners use here is to brush yogurt on new clean rocks and pots as it ages them and I am guessing it would help moss to grow too :-)
Hi Shirl, I will try the yogurt treatment too. This will be a nice experiment to see whether the buttermilk or yogurt works best in my garden.
ReplyDeleteYou rock on girl!
What lovely rocks you have, Lisa! The way they're emerging from the snow is so peaceful, too. We have plenty of rocks around our yard (and our soil is full of them, and heaves them up sometimes in the pasture and the garden beds), plus I have rocks in the house. some might say I have them in my head....but that someone had better not say it before Christmas if he wants his Christmas presents. :-)