I think it fitting to look back at the year as the New Year is approaching. It will give us reason to keep looking forward to this year that is upon us.
Early in spring Ialways look forward to the Epimedium, Hellebores and of course the cheery crocus that come out early.

The dainty bloodroot that someone gave me was up and at 'em early this spring. I wonder if it survived this droughty summer??? We will soon see.

My Dearly Beloved helped me do several months work getting ready for a semi-annual (?) garden party that a friend and I have for friends and family. This year we had our guests make up pots of red, white and blue for their party favor.(OOPS that is Melissa on the right. I am in the red. Sorry about that) We knew the pots would be brimming bright around July.

The garden was all neat and tidy all summer thanks to My Dearly Beloveds efforts. He drove me to finishing the work I usually take several months to do in about 6 weeks. I can't say I graciously accepted his prodding at the time but all spring and summer I marveled at how I could relax and enjoy the garden more with all the heavy work done so quickly for the Party. Perhaps a lesson learned here. :)

Things looked mighty tidy for quite some time. I told DB not to sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me. He is such a good person to put up with and actually support all I do in the garden.

On into summer there were some nice things blooming. Like this day lily below. Another lesson I learned this year after starting this blog is that I need to keep better records of what I have planted so I can answer questions. Even questions I pose to myself from time to time.

Mid to late summer the garden is cooking with all kinds of flowering plants. Just remember it won't be long until we are out there snapping away at our blossoms.

This summer was the drought year. I am hoping, as I know some of you are too, that this coming summer isn't so blasted hot and dry. Poor Luna was gasping for much of this summer as were the plants. As gardeners we are always hopeful for the best year yet to come.

This daylily signals the end of the year as far as blooming plants. When it hits its second session of bloom I know the gardening year is near its end.

Very few butterflies grace our garden by this time.

Then before you know it, a late fall or you could say an early winter snow hit us.

Causing all flowering and growing to come to a halt. Of course the garden supervisor was happy to be out making sure the
critters were kept in check.

Despite the snow, frost and
rabbits eating new plantings.

I feel that things are looking up here at Greenbow. My
wish for
you this coming year is that you get plenty of rain and sunshine to make your garden grow and that you and yours have the best health to ensure that you are able to endure and enjoy every minute of your garden.
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to you as well. It was nice to see a restrospective of your garden through the year, since you just recently started your blog. It looks like a wonderful garden!
ReplyDeleteCarol, May Dreams Gardens
OOH! You've got the double Sanguinaria - I'm so jealous. Don't worry about it, it'll be back in the Spring. I have quite a few of the singles, & they survived the 2005 drought here with no losses. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a compendium of lovely sights. That single daylily was mightly flashy! Great shots of the butterflies. I've been trying to leave messages at the other posts but Blogger is not cooperating. I'll try again because I really wish to comment on some of your lovely plantings!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Diane, Sand to Glass
Thank you Carol.
ReplyDeleteMrMcD, I had forgotten the scientific name of the blood root. Thanks. And Happy New Year to you too.
Hi Diane, Glad you stopped by. I just love your blog. You never know about Blogger.
Happy New Year to you too.
Love that bloodroot..envy, envy, envy. How wonderful to have the garden all looking good at once for your party. And Dearly Beloved sounds pretty wonderful too. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Lisa.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post of the seasons of your garden - I loved the photos of Luna :-}
Seeing your garden looking so beautiful and neat makes me want to get mine all cleaned up and ready for spring. Stop by and see my garden notebook, maybe it'll give you an idea for keeping track of your garden plantings, I couldn't do it without mine!
ReplyDeleteI always have several parties in the summer, so I have a reason to get everything done. If I didn't do this, it would be late summer before I got finished.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you too!
Another year passes...it's fun to see the year's worth of changes in your garden, though I got stopped at the yummy epimedium and didn't get any further for a few minutes. Here's wishing you the very best of all in this shiny (snowcovered) new year, Lisa! I enjoy reading your blog and learning about how things are in your part of the world.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful retrospective of your garden year Lisa! Here's hoping we all have much more rain and beauty to see in the coming year. Happy New Year to you too!
ReplyDeletesuch amazing photos of your garden and I love the butterflies you captured! Happy New Year to you and your family!
ReplyDeletea fine walk through the seasons in your garden. Is it spring yet. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI love the roundup of your year. What a beautiful garden (and handsome dog). I look forward to keeping up with you in 2008.
Happy New Year!
--Robin (Bumblebee)
Beautiful summer garden pictures, Lisa. It's nice to have them to look back on when we're heading into January.
ReplyDeleteDear Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed a walk back through 2007 in your beautiful gardens. I really loved your Buckeye Butterfly. It is my husband's favorite.
I also wish you plenty of rain and sunshine for your garden in 2008.
Lovely reprise of your gardening year, Lisa! I like your cement acorn! And bloodroot - that is exquisite. I don't have any of it an I really really want some. I need to find a source and make it happen!