The winter sun was not the only thing that drew me out into the garden today. I looked out to see that the winds of the past couple of days did a little rearrangeing of some garden ornaments. This is a bad thing. It is the first time that wind has ever knocked over the bird cage. It is very heavy and with it being made of wire the wind usually just flows through. I guess the cage then knocked over the huge concrete basket planter. Geez, it took all of my strength to set that concrete basket back up on its pedestal. There are minature hostas planted in this planter. They have survived the past few years in this very spot. I hope the toppling of their planter doesn't disturb the roots to make them not be able to survive the winter. We will have to wait to see.
After I got outside I realized how mild the temperature is so I got my last bag of bulbs into the ground. I found this bag of 12 Chionodoxa marked way down and thougth it would be nice to look out my window this spring and see a clump of these little flowers. I have never grown them before so I don't know what to expect. Have you ever grown them? Another name on the packate is 'Lucilaea'. I hope they make it through the winter. I think it is awfully late to be planting them but they at least have a chance being planted rather than wasting away in a bag in a landfill.
I also got the blower out and cleaned off the patio, cleaned the water feature. I am sure the birds will appreciate some clean water and feeders with fresh food.
Why even Lincoln looks happier with the sun shining on him. It is just amazing what a little sunshine can do for you especially during winter. Now if I was feeling better I would pull some weeds. It is amazing how the winter weeds don't need much encouragement to flourish.

Lisa: Please send me some sunshine! It has been a week since I have seen the sun. Looks like you got quite a bit done outside. Go girl!
ReplyDeleteThe sun has been most welcomed the last couple of days. That's one of my biggest complaints about winter. You really did have the wind! I hope your hostas do okay. I'm sure if you patted them bak in they will. For someone not feeling the best-you accomplished a lot. Hope you get to feeling better.
ReplyDeleteHave a great New Year! May it bring you everything you want.
This all looks so wonderful. Did you even get any snow?
ReplyDeleteI was so happy to get back to AZ and see the sun again.
That was some wind Lisa to knock over a concrete planter! I forgot how much I love Lincoln! He is fantastic and always looks cheerful.
ReplyDeleteThe sun and warmer day is calling me and I am sitting here waiting for the son to go look at cameras with me! I might as well go plant something!
Chionodoxa are tiny little cutie pie bulbs...Elizabeth Lawrence says they should be planted in a mass planting to look their best, but I like the little guys peaking up here and there!
The word verification is Crete...I wouldn't mind being there today!
Lisa that last photograph did make me smile.....I remember him from the summer....such fun.....
ReplyDeleteI think your bulbs will be fine.....I planted some bulbs last year in December in a friends garden, they flowered well.
I have had a lot of damage in the garden.....the ferns and bulbs in the copse have been dug up, and there are large holes around some of the shrubs. Also found a dead blackbird hen and rook......possibly a fox has done this.... Spent several hours this afternoon clearing up....oh the world of the wildlife gardener!!!
Lisa, you got a lot done in your garden. I'm sorry the birdcage turned over. Here, it wouldn't last unless placed in concrete. Oklahoma gets so windy sometimes. Happy New Year, almost.~~Dee
ReplyDeleteWow, that was a mighty wind! Your Hostas are probably fine, so I wouldn't worry about them. Today I had to rake willow leaves off the back lawn. Now that is unusual.
ReplyDeleteWow, that was a strong wind! I'm glad you had some sun to enjoy. I just planted the chindoxia (sp?) bulbs this fall for the first time. I hope both of ours grow.
ReplyDeleteI love that last pic! I am planning on going out to clean my car out, but I think I'll let myself get sidetracked taking some pics. It is 48 right now, but the highs the rest of the week aren't supposed to be that high.
Hi Lisa, what a delight to be able to work outside with some sunshine helping to warm you up. And hooray for getting those bulbs planted. I have never grown those before so will be looking forward to seeing yours in bloom. It is amazing that the bird cage went over, that must have been a really strong gust. The hostas should be okay though, they are probably dormant now. Hope you didn't hurt yourself righting the planter!
ReplyDeleteDon't hurt your back with that planter. This my first time seeing
Lincoln! He made me smile!--Randy
I'm so glad to see Lincoln again. His smile is infectious. (What did you use to make his eyes?) Some wind you had to knock over a concrete planter and a wire birdcage. Usually the wind will just rush thru wire.
Lisa, you were very busy today! surprising to see planting bulbs still, but is better now than never - right?
ReplyDeleteI scheduled pruning for coming Saturday :)
I enjoyed the wonderful sunshine today too, Lisa.
ReplyDeleteThat must have been some wind to turn over the concrete planter!
I love Chionodoxa luciliae. They are petite bulbs that have very pretty lavender blue flowers that face upward, so you can view them easily without getting down on your hands and knees. They bloom very early, and can live up to their common name, glory of the snow. They do look good in large groups, but would look very nice in a small group if you planted them near your door,window or patio where you could see them up close. Their foliage dies back much quicker than the larger bulbs, which is an added bonus.
ReplyDeleteThis fall I planted a white version of Chionodoxa too.
How fortunate that your ground is still diggable. Good luck with them.
You will love those little bulbs. I have grown them for many years, also known as Glory of the Snow. They are very reliable but diminutive so plant them where you can enjoy them up close. Mine are in the shade. And guess what I was sticking in the ground yesterday too:)?
ReplyDeleteWe had some sunshine this afternoon too Lisa, but the wind was very cold. Yesterday was much warmer with temps reaching 60º. A nice reprieve! Our snow will be back very soon I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Wishing you and yours joy and blessing for the new year.
Dear Lisa,
ReplyDeleteYeah for some sunshine. We also had high winds last week, 60 mph I read. We had a few brancjhes down.
Hope the bird cage and the hosta are okay.
May you have the happiest of New Years.
I can't wait to see the Chionodoxa luciliae in bloom! I have not met Lincoln before--he certainly is cute. Hope the weather calms down for you!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Thank you for telling me about your chionodoxa. I have the little beauties planted right outside my office window so while I am writing to you all I can see them. If I had known I could have bought more but I just didn't know what they were. I will have to go back to see if there are any more available.
ReplyDeleteIt's been mild here to Lisa. Glad you got to get those pretty bulbs in the ground. It won't be long at all that spring will come.
ReplyDeleteI love your garden! There's something magical about winter light on a garden, too. It will be beautiful in the spring and summer, too!
ReplyDeleteLisa, You have been very industrious! The wind has been very strong here at times, too, but the only effects I've seen here are the broken pine limbs and my poor lighted Christmas reindeer, who have spent more time lying on the ground than standing up:)
ReplyDeleteI bet your bulbs will come up just fine this spring. The sunshine is certainly a welcome sight!
Amazing what a little sunshine can do for the human spirit, isn't it? Nice shots of your garden in winter.
ReplyDeleteWe're currently enjoying sunshine and mild temps that were preceded by the same high wind. The wind blew down a couple of dead trees, one in the yard (which took down our clothesline) and one up the road (which took down our power lines).
Sounds like you wind has been like ours...our weather forecast shows red...which means FIRE weather!
ReplyDeleteYour winds must have been incredibly strong to flatten those cages and pot! My goodness!
ReplyDeleteLet the sun shine on you, Lisa. It's helped me for the past two days.
Hi Lisa I just stopped by to wish you and your family to have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Lots of Love TYRA
ReplyDeleteAre you ready for 2009? Yeah... Let's celebrate!
Hi Lisa, best wishes for 2009 and Happy New Year. Mike.
ReplyDeleteWe also get winds strong enough to throw lawn furniture around and knock over concrete statues, Lisa, so you have my sympathy!
ReplyDeleteI would have planted those Chionodoxa, too - as long as you can stick a trowel in it, you can plant leftover bulbs, right?
Hope the winter sun keeps shining on you.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose