I tell you, these wet, warm, for winter, days are just right for breeding and growing all types of fungus, lichen and moss. I had a good time walking through the park today. We took a trail through the woods and it was facinating. Now don't get your hopes up thinking I am going to be able to tell you what the names are on these things. I don't know much about them really. I think it is one reason I am so facinated with them. Sort of like Owls. You know they are there but they only show themselves when conditions are just right, mysterious.

These mushrooms have stems. Not unusual at all but I thought it unusual to find this type of mushroom growing on a log. Usually I think of this type of mushroom (one with stems) as growing in the duff or on the ground that is rich in humus.

They could be the Deadly Galerina. Not Edible. Don't worry. I don't pick mushrooms I just take their pictures.

This is the largest of the lot of em. It was growing by itself. It sort of reminded me of a Horseshoe Crab. This is the underside. I know it helps to see the underside as well as the gills when you are trying to id these things.
This one below is a cup mushroom of some sort. It is black and the outside is hairy. Makes me think it is a Hairy Black Cup.

This jelly-substance-like thing is probably Red Tree Brain. It is some weird looking stuff.

There were just oodles of Polyspores and other shelflike fungus. It is just amazing the colors and sizes. This one caught my eye because it had grown around a couple of stems that were growing by it. It was a fairly good size.

Most of them were fairly small. The colors just made me want to get out my colored pencils right there and start drawing.

This one was strange because it was growing out the end of the log instead of on the long side of the log.

I usually don't see them growing here.

These were all growing on the side of a log. All tightly packed together.
Now these odd looking things I couldn't decide if they were puff balls that had puffed or if they were a type I am not familiar with. They had all opened if this were the case. Some looked like they were deflated and lying on their side.

This one looked like a horse's hoof to me. Can you see that?? Or is it just me??

Most of them on this one log looked like a horse's hoof but this one looked like it had melted. Or possibly like a snail with a strange looking shell.

Some of the moss was putting up spores. It appeared to be growing by leaps and bounds too. It was so green. Wonderful to see so much green.

On this stick was three types of things growing together. Some kind of bluegreen lichen, a green moss of some sort and a white fuzzy looking mushroom. I thought it made a pretty picture.
Wouldn't these colors make a pretty room??
Below is more of that bluegreen stuff with kelly green moss growing around it.
Do you have anything strange growing over in your neck of the woods?
Wow, you really found a lot of that 'stuff'. We have some of it at our trees, too, and I always find it interesting.
ReplyDeleteFungus are such cool, bizarre looking plants. I enjoyed your pictures.
ReplyDeleteLisa: you found some fascinating things in the woods... your photos capture all the growth nicely.I always enjoy your thoughtful posts.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing how many things are actually going on while we think the whole world is asleep? Those do look like puffballs to me (you didn't stomp on them? I can't resist it, once they start to turn brown and I know I can release their spores. I'm such a little kid, sometimes...;-)
ReplyDeleteThat other fungus does look like a horse's hoof--one with laminitis, not the way I want to see my horse's feet ever looking, though. I have several books on fungi but like you I mostly just look and not touch--except for puffballs. And agarics, which I go 'mushroom punting' in the woods in the fall. Did I mention I'm like a little kid sometimes?
Wow, really a lot of great photos of those interestings fungi. Can't believe you are in SW IN! So....can we expect to see those colored pencils at work on that lichen? :)
ReplyDeleteCool fungi shots, Lisa. It's amazing what you can find to photograph when you start poking around, especially during our unseasonably warm winter weather.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa, thank you for taking us with you on your walk through the woods. The photos are wonderful. You must have laid down to take some of them, don't you?
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend, Monika
Beautiful photos of very interesting items. The colors are certainly inspiring for art work. Loved your post!
ReplyDeleteGudl I couldn't quit taking pictures of those things. I have more. I just got tired of uploading them because they take so long.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoyed them WG.
Thank yyou MEEMs I am glad you enjoyed them.
Jodi I hope your horse never gets anything that makes its hoof look like that mushroom. I just couldn't describe it any other way. I too like to make puff balls "poof". They do bring out the kid in me too. :)
Oooo Teri I am a bit bashful about showing my art. Maybe someday.
Marvin these were all screaming to be photographed. It seemed that every time I stopped to take a picture my DB and LUna would have to wait for me so he would find more to photgraph while I was busy. I was going to link your earth star but I was so tired of down loading etc that I didn't get it done.
MOnika I am glad you could join me on my walk. I didn't have to lie down to get the pictures. My camera has a screen that I can adjustto different angles so I can see what I am doing when I just stoop down. The best feature for a camera if you take insect pictures or anything at odd angles.
Frances I am glad you liked my post.
That kelly green moss is gorgeous, what a wonderful colour!
ReplyDeleteI love mushrooms and like to hunt for them in the forest and my garden. Most seem to spring up overnight, such a wonderful surprise.
Yes, I thought that one looked like a horse shoe too.
Have a lovely weekend.
BTW I've linked with you, hope that's OK?
Hi Lisa, I' m the first time at your blog and I see so many fascinating posts! In Bavaria we have a very frosty and cold weather, so I can' t go in the forest to look for this wonderful little things. How glad I am that I can go with you!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend Wurzerl
That was a fun and interesting post! You took some great pictures.
ReplyDeleteI love fungi, too. You found such neat looking 1s. Some of them remind me of seashells. Maybe I'm just Florida dreaming.
ReplyDeleteYolanda, Thank you for linking me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too. The football playoffs are on here. I will be watching.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Wurzel. I am pleased that you stopped by and that you left a comment.
Thank you Robin.
MrMcD, I am sure you would like to be in FL right now with all their blooms, plumes and sea shells. Can't you just feel the the sand between your toes?? :)
ReplyDeletegreat mushroom & Lichen pictures.
I have postet in September/October 2007 many fungi & mushroom pictures on my blog: http://guildwood.blogspot.com
National Audoban Society has published an excellent Field Guide to North American Mushrooms.
But in the meantime take a look at my pictures and you will recognise many of your mushrooms as well.
Trametes, Polypore and more..
cheers from Canada
amazing post and I really love your photos! Bravo!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures, Lisa! I'm fascinated by Lichen and Moss and therefore I recently bought a book to read and get more to know about this "very special world". Thank you for this interesting post!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend!
Why did I have to stop by your site just before dinner? Yuck. They are some neat photos, though, still, a little queasy here.
ReplyDeleteDear Lisa,
ReplyDeleteThank you for a walk in the woods with all sorts of fun fungi!
I do love them too and moss of all sorts. None growing here yet. It is still cold!
I did get another fungi field guide so next year I might be able to id some.
Wonderful photos. I can see why you would want to get the colored pencils out the colors are inspiring.
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm walking I notice the mushrooms, lichen, moss. But I've never seen such a display as you have shown! Maybe it's because we are usually so dry.
The one that looks like a horseshoe is very interesting.
See? No flowers - but life growing all around!
Good job - great photos.