Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Garden Journal Beginnings

It is that time of year my fellow Gardeners. It is time you seek out that special journal to keep this years musings, plantings and dreams recorded. I have my trusty 5.5x8.5inch Cachet sketch book settled in it's leather cover. The front page is sketched and I am ready for the new gardening year to begin.

While it is too early to actually get out there and do much until it thaws I like to take this time and do a little dreaming.
 I was passing through the Rural King while purchasing some bird seed for the feeders and came across this magazine about Chickens. I know those of you who read my blog regularly know my dream of having chickens. Just a few layers would be delightful to me. You probably know by now I can't have them due to city ordinances. I just have to bide my time this winter reading about the darling little feathery egg factories.
My poor Dearly Beloved gets mighty nervous when I start sketching ideas in my garden journal. He is worried that "something" might happen. I try to explain to him it is just "that" time of year. Things are slowing down. I have time to think, to dream. I tell him it is like these men who purchase Street Rod magazine and drool over the pages. They don't have the wherewithall to have such a gem but hey, it doesn't cost much to dream. 
Do you have any dreams crowing at you this winter regarding your garden?


  1. We don't have a big enough yard either ... need an acre and only have .6. If I didn't have to go to the coast so often, I'd be tempted to get a couple and call them pets! Hey, how many eggs do I need a day?

  2. I love the sketch of the chicken shed for the imaginary chickens, very nice!

  3. I love Chickens too and we could have them but I am.. chicken.. sorry.. to have them. I would be sick if a Hawk we have around here got one. I love how you dream in your sketch book. I would love to see your other sketch books you have done. I love to garden & meant to keep journals on it but..I never carried thru. Bummer too.

  4. I have the same dream- about chickens, I mean. We're planning on getting 3 or 4, and can where we are. We need to convert a shed first and one of our dogs who is quite old is of a birding type that I'm afraid would go after them and hurt himself- thinking he's a puppy! So, the ladies will have to wait. I've often thought about getting a sketch book as I'm always drawing ideas on graph paper- that never holds up :)

    Happy New Year,


  5. Nice jurnal Lisa! I would love to have chickens also, but we can't according to the city, either. Some neighbors did have them for a while though...actually I was wondering if they would make any noise without a rooster around??? Maybe we could get away with it???

    My gardening thoughts have been going to what I can plant in 5 gallon buckets because my okra is fizzling out now. I am dreaming of trying potatoes. Have you ever grown them before???

  6. Julie, I haven't grown potatoes. My Mom did so. It was wonderful to have fresh from the garden potatoes. She had a conventional garden though. Sorry I can't help you.

    I have read that hens aren't as noisy as Roosters. However sometimes a hen will become dominant and crow like a rooster.

  7. Ah, we have the same dream. Mine is kept at bay by the thought of needing a caretaker to look over the flock when I am traveling. Dreams for the upcoming season include: plant the gravel garden and keep the winter garden looking neat throughout the summer.

  8. Ah,lots of dreams swirling in my head, dear Lisa. I'm getting started on some of them now while it is cool outdoors.

    I, too, am beginning to love the idea of fresh chicken eggs. Only I'm not as keen about the rest chickens require.

    I am enthralled with your sketches! So nice you are gifted with that talent. Thanks for sharing them. My journal is not as cute as yours with hand drawn personalization but I do keep one.

  9. What a darling chicken coop Lisa! I'm so sorry you can't have a few layers. They are such fun and full of enjoyment except when their water freezes in winter. LOL.

    I also love the idea of dreaming. That was our assignment for the Lowe's blog. I don't when it will be posted, but I'm dreaming of a greenhouse. Perhaps, in 2011 both of our dreams will come true.~~Dee

  10. Lots of dreams, but none of them include chickens:) I love your new journal, which reminds me that I have a new one I haven't even opened yet--time to start writing! Wish I could sketch like you, though; it would sure help me to visualize some of the design ideas swirling in my head.

  11. I love your journal! It's exactly what I need to keep all my garden thoughts together. I have so many bits of paper, lost computer files, photos, etc. fluttering about. If I ever wanted to act on those ideas I wouldn't be able to find them.

  12. I think chickens are so cute, messy, but cute. My journals are no where this nice.

  13. I would love to have some hens. Eggs & fertilizer. Wowser. Being a city dweller that can't happen.
    I do remember when I was a kid that we had chickens, ducks & a pig.
    Love the sketch of your chicken house.

  14. Lots of dreams happening in the blogosphere, which is lovely...I wish you could have your chickens, Lisa. (stupid cities). I'm not doing too much dreaming yet, but the more posts I read...hmmmm

  15. Great Journal, Lisa. I do love this idea. You’ve inspired me to consider one now. Although, I do have a guilty passion for collecting notebooks that mysteriously stay blank ;-)

    Funnily enough, after looking for info for garden visit post I came across the Scot’s Dumpy… it made me consider hens too. Not likely here in my garden though – not enough room and neighbours too close.

    I need to get my dream into reality… I have to complete my wildlife pond this year!

    Wishing you a great weekend, out and about or warm indoors :-D

  16. Beautiful Journal!

    You are reminding me to get my seed order placed...I keep myself to a deadline of Groundhogs Day ;-)

    I imagine that dreaming of chickens is the best way to go...IRL chickens are a lot of work. Fun, entertaining, helpful to the garden...but a lot of work.
    Then again....they do reward me with their eggs daily!

    I've known hens to become, ahem, "dominant" when a roo isn't around..but never (yet) heard one crow. They can squawk loudly, but it does not have a "cockadoodle do" sound to it.

    And yes, I'm dreaming of growing flax again...just have to find the right variety of seed!

  17. Lots of dreams - and they do come true. I got my garden shed in the fall. Everything is under cover. Thank you thank you Henry, Jerry and Chris.

  18. This is, indeed, the time of year for garden dreams.

    "Hopes are planted in friendship's garden where dreams blossom into priceless treasures." Unknown

  19. I am so sorry you can't have chickens where you are, Lisa. Whatever happened to the days when everywhere in America people had a few chickens in the back yard? 'talking' chickens do is one of the most pleasant sounds I know. Roosters are another matter all together. Loud, and way too often, mean. I wrote a while ago about ours.


    And this spring there will be a new box arriving at the post office!

  20. Dear Lisa,
    I too would love to have a few chickens....
    I think the hawks would like them too!
    It is always good to dream. Your garden journal looks wonderful. I have begun mine for 2011, too.
    I hope to grow more food for my table this year. I always want more native habitat for the bees, butterflies and birds.
    I am dreaming of bugs!~
    Happy New Year,

  21. Your journal is amazing, wonderful. I hope all your journalized dreams come true.

  22. I so admire your sketches and watercolors Lisa~and hope the coop of your dreams arrives at Greenbow. I want to want to keep a journal, but, I won't! Even knowing that they are great to place ideas and dreams. gail

  23. What a great sketch & wonderful Garden "Dream" Journal ♥

  24. It's a pity for you that you cannot have "your" chickens. But you're right, it's always allowed to dream ;-) ! And dreams are free (of costs) as long as they don't get realized ;-) ! I've dreams too, but I know they will remain dreams. I like this time of the year, where there isn't any obligation to do "serious" work in the garden. Your idea of the garden journals should be taken over again from me. I didn't write anything the last 1 1/2 years :-(....and I don't know why. In former days I was a diligent garden journal writer.
    Wishing you nice and good days,


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