Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Thank you Kylee and Fiskars

I want to thank Kylee and Fiskars for having this give away. I WON!! 
As luck would have it my old, and I mean old, Felco No7s are not working quite like they used to. You see this old clipper was purchased in the late 90s and they have been real work horses in my garden. I have replaced springs, sharpened blades etc...
They are similar to this new Fiskars Power Gear 2 in that the pull side swivels when you trim to give you more umph in your cuts. Unfortunately the swivel on the Fleco has stopped swiveling. When I saw the give away on Kylee's blog I certainly wanted a shot at winning them. 
Happy Day when when this baby came in the post directly from Fiscars. Thank you again. I have already cut several bouquets and I must say the Fiskars is very light weight and of course sharp as could be. I will have to get used to the new grip after so many years using the old one. I hope that the Fiscars works for as long as my old one. 
I will give them a real work out as soon as it gets a bit cooler here. There is a poor little cypress that needs rescuing. I am sure I will have many tales to tell with the new Fiscars by my side. 


  1. Lucky you! I am always wanting more hand pruners and Fiskars is top quality. Happy pruning!

  2. Winning stuff is FUN! Congrats!
    Nice blades you got there, too! :)

  3. I love Fiscars tools. Congratulations!

  4. Congrats, Lisa! Great happy you won!!!!! Yay!!!!!

  5. Congrats, Lisa! Great happy you won!!!!! Yay!!!!!

  6. Congrats, Lisa! Great happy you won!!!!! Yay!!!!!

  7. Now THAT is my kind of a giveaway!!! Marvelous, hope they work a treat, sound like perfect timing!xxx

  8. Lucky you! If you run out of things to prune, you can always come up and try them out in my garden:)

  9. Lucky you! I love Fiskars pruners and have three of all the same type of handheld ones that I can't garden without. I was actually looking at another pair yesterday. You'll get plenty of use from those!

    Thanks for the info on the tomatoes. What a disappointment they are but at least I am not alone.

  10. We have a number of Fiskars tools and they have held up well. Interesting how your hand just gets used to a certain size and shape of tool.


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