Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - October 2019

I must say that this year feels a whole lot different than past Octobers but in reality the blooms are much the same. As I looked back at some past Octobers I was somewhat surprised that I find a lot of the same things blooming. It feels different this year because of the moderate drought we are in. 
This spring I moved the above sedums into more sun.  I had such high hopes in for stronger blooms and more full plants but was a disappointed. While the plants are stronger and taller only about half of them bloomed at all. You can see the darker heads in the foreground. They bloomed, barely. The ones in the back tried to set some blooms but what you see is what I got. Not terribly impressive. I guess I will have something to look forward to next year. 
The old stalwart Hamamelis Virginiana'Witch Hazel' seems to have more blooms this year than ever. Go figure?!
The few Asters I have seemed to not be too fussy about the weather conditions. As you can see in the back ground I have purchased a few mums to set here and there. The diciduous holly in the background is full of red berries that the Mockingbird has been protecting already. It usually doesn't eat those berries until late winter/early spring. I guess he just doesn't want any competition.
The poor Toad lilies are full of blooms but the foliage looks pitaful.
The wirey bloom of Persicaria corporal look good just because, I mean really, how could you tell they weren't.?? Ha... I guess that is one reason to grow these things. They never look bad. They are difficult to make a nice picture. 
Most of the rest of the blooms in the garden are the annuals that don't really take much water or care. Such as these impatients that stood sentinel by the gate all summer rarely requesting a drink.
Zinnias of various colors are still hanging in there. 
As are the Mexican Sunflowers 'Tithonia'. 
The Canas are still blooming despite a shot of frost. They are under some trees where they get a bit of protection. 
I almost forgot about the fall blooming anemone Honorine jobert,
as well as a sprinkling of tall garden phlox 'David'.
So just when I think I don't have much blooming, I get out there and look to find a few things. It is just that they are few and far between. 
How is it in your garden this October?  Has the frost got most of your blooms or are you just beginning to see your spring bloom?
What ever do pop over to Carols blog to join in with those that want to share what is blooming in their garden the 15th of this and every month.


  1. Not sure why, but witch-hazel just intrigues me. I just love it. Your blooms are all so cheery drought or no drought. Enjoy autumn.

  2. Perhaps your Sedum are in a snit because you moved them - some plants are just like that, even when you've acted in their best interest. It's good to hear that your garden overall is on track despite your drier-than-usual conditions. I was surprised when I looked back at my posts in September-October last year at how much was in bloom despite the extended period of extreme drought and the deadly blast of heat the preceding July. Plants are more resilient than we sometimes give them credit for. Happy GBBD Lisa!

  3. Despite being in a bit of a 'draught' ~ Your floral photos are wonderful and some good color here ~ I think Nature is having a difficult year and can't blame the Mocking Bird ~ perhaps is 'eating while he can?" ~

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. A heavy hail storm pretty much wiped out what we had blooming and tattered all of the leaves so I’m chopping most things down now and getting ready for the winter look.

  5. You do have quite a bit blooming. I have Witch Hazel envy. They are such interesting trees. I'll have to find a place for one. :)

  6. Amazing about the mockingbird! That is so interesting. What I have "blooming" is autumrn leaves!

  7. Hier is de laatste tijd gelukkig veel regen gevallen na een droge hete zomer. Vorst hebben we nog niet gehad.De Anemone bloeien hier ook nog steeds. We zijn nu bollen aan het planten, vooral Narcissus.

    Gr Jan(Wilde een Tuin)

  8. Lisa, this is amazing, your garden is still lush and beautiful. And yes, I feel the same. We never had such a warm and lovely October here in the south of Austria as we have this year.
    Happy gardening and all my best

  9. It’s the persistent wetness that is spoiling our flowers this year.

  10. Hello Lisa girl ;-)
    You have quite a few blooms right now .. don't over think the sedum, I bet it will be much more productive next year for sure.
    I am wondering about your Witch Hazel ? .. I don't know a lot about them, I always assumed they flowered in early Spring .. but the one you have flowers in the Fall ? .. what kind is it ? I am so curious about it .. I would love to have one in my garden .. there may be a space coming up next year for one, so I want to know your experiences with them ! That white phlox is a beauty too .. I love accents of white in the garden, does it have a scent as well ?

  11. Lisa, your impatiens seems are very hardy, do not need water. Mine have been dry every day and I watered them a lot. Do not be upset with sedums - they will bloom better next summer, after replanting they always bloom barely.
    Your garden is pretty!

  12. Dear Lisa - your garden certainly looks much more lovely than mine...other than a few pots on the deck my flowers are bedding down for winter. The dry weather hurt them too. You made my heart smile by seeing yours blooming. Take care and have a great weekend. Hugs!

  13. You've still got a lot of blooms. I'm still waiting for my witch hazel to bloom. I see the buds, but they haven't opened.

  14. Your October blooms are so pretty and I especially enjoyed your zinnias and Mexican sunflowers! I agree about the Sedum. It is a hardy plant and will come back much stronger in the sun next year. Enjoy the garden for as long as you can until the cold sets in.

  15. Your Canna lasted longer and looks way better than mine. Funny because we don't even get frost here. Happy you still have many different flowers in October!

    We're having a pretty warm October, unfortunately. I like cool better.


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