Friday, October 4, 2019

October Consolation

We have had only .9 inch of rain since the last time I wrote with half of those days in the 90's which made news because a lot of those 90's were record breaking heat. This time of year we normally have plenty of rain and cooler weather. 
As of today the cooler weather has come in but still no rain. My poor garden is looking quite drab. There was a spot in the garden that gave me great consolation today. I wanted to share it with you.
The compost corner is nearly surrounded by Tatarian Aster. The Missouri Botanic Garden says that  Tatarian Asters will grow to 3 -4 foot tall. I am here to tell you that these will grow much taller. I am was so surprised to see that the range this summer is 4 to 8foot tall. The chain link fence you see is 4' tall quite a few are double that.
They lift my spirits high too
This afternoon the blooms were buzzing. There were so many bees, flies, bugs and Butterflies floating around. It was a joy to just stand there and watch.
You should be able to click on any of the pictures to enlarge them so see if there are smaller critters in the blooms too.
There were a couple of American Painted Lady Butterflies.
There were also some large Sulphers and Cabbage Whites flitting about but they wouldn't stand still for  a picture.
There were several different types of folded-winged skippers. 
Those tall plants were bobbing and weaving in the breeze. The bugs were flying from bloom to bloom so I didn't get shots of everything. The wind blew my patience away.
Such a nice introduction to the weekend. I hope you all are planning a good one.


  1. Those are some really impressive asters! You've got to honor plants that perform well no matter what kind of weather challenges are thrown at them. I couldn't garden - at least not the same way - if we didn't have an automated irrigation system. I hope the day doesn't come that you need one of those too.

    1. You are expressing my thoughts exactly Kris regarding these Asters and the irrigation system. If the weather continues to be like it has been the past few years I will have to have an irrigation system.

  2. I see you have a nice weather and pretty asters, Lisa. I didn't know the name you call your asters, I thought they are new-Belgian asters. Lovely photos!

  3. These asters are Tatarian Asters. They are faithful plants and stand up to wind most of the time.

  4. Beautiful floral shots and love the monarch butterflies visiting your garden ~ delightful ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. So sorry to hear that you're still so dry. We had a few unexpected days of rain, which came as a surprise because during the heat all I saw was more and more rainless forecasts, but now the plants are happy again.
    Sort of. Once you get that late summer drought everything starts to shut down, so even with the warmth most everything is disgusted and done, including me ;)
    Your asters look great. I'm glad you have that to enjoy as the season winds down. A friend gave me a start two years ago but this is the first year mine is doing well. Now I'm sure it will try and make a pest of itself I'm sure!
    We actually had a light frost this morning. I guess I should be happy it wasn't more severe, but still it was not the way I wanted to start my weekend...

  6. Compost piles do give gifts, sometimes not the ones we expect. Beautiful asters, and delightful story.

  7. Wow! I don't know that I've ever seen such butterflies. How beautiful! I too enjoy watching "little critters" enjoying the blossoms.

  8. Lisa girl I had no idea there were asters that could grow that HUGE!!
    I have what seem now like mini me's in this colour and form ? of this one in my garden .. struggling in a mostly shady area .. but these are spectacular !
    You caught some gorgeous shots with the insects .. of course the butterflies are so BEAUTIFUL !!
    Well done you and I hope it really gives you a lift in spirits for a long time, dealing with dry conditions before winter is always a let down .. but I'm sure your garden will survive it and look amazing as usual next year !
    Take care ;-)

  9. Happy Weekend and hope you are enjoying the beautiful garden ~

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Those flowers really were a buzz. I think we have your rain.

  11. I love asters, although I haven't seen any yet this year, except in your photos--but that's good enough for me! Thanks so much!

  12. Lisa these asters are a wow! So tall and beautiful. You certainly did a great job capturing all the live creatures that visited. I like you have been lacking rain so my flowers are certainly done in the garden. Have managed to keep my pots on the deck watered and they are doing well in the cooler weather. Soon though I will be bringing them indoors. Pray you get some rain soon friend. Hugs!

  13. Thanks for your well wishes ~ I am coming along but ever so slowly ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Tatarian is beautiful. The clump at Lurie Garden grows at least 6' tall.

  15. You know, Lisa, I'll have to remember Asters for next year...those are beautiful!...:)jp

  16. Lovely photos of your beautiful garden still looking great!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Glad to hear you are getting some rain ~ Nor'ester here and no sun until may be Saturday ~

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. October is the dying time for many of Mother Nature's gifts. But they die only to make room for the winter seed, and they lie in wait for Spring. All is good.

  19. Hi Lisa, I hope that by now your refreshing rains have arrived! Those asters are amazing; what a joy for you and the pollinators! Do you tie them against the fence to keep them upright, or do they naturally stand tall?

    1. I don't tie them to the fence Deb. They just naturally stand. We did have a full day of winds lately that knocked some of them down. The heads get so heavy with all the blooms and then the rain collects in there too. Yes, we got an inch of rain this past week. It was wonderful!


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