Friday, February 13, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Aaaahhhh those beautifu clearl blue skies of winter. Doncha just love em?? Not only are the Snowdrops loving these beautiful skies and warmer temps...
A few of the yellow crocus are popping up by the patio.
Out under the Ash tree the narcissus are popping up. Yep, I think everyone is ready for spring.I hope you have a wonderful weekend and for more Skywatching you can go here.


  1. I agree, winter skies are some of the best. Great shots and thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  2. Oh Lisa... lovely shots! I love the snowdrops especially. I'm heading out to Edin Botanics this morning so hope to see some there. I'd also like to see the clouds roll back and reveal a lovely blue sky above them too :-D

    Wishing you a great weekend too :-D

  3. Very cool shot of the snowdrops. Lovely skies you're having.

  4. You sky captures have made my morning!! The first signs of spring are showing with the crocus starting to bloom. Yes indeed sping is on its way!

  5. Oh hooray for the snowdrops. That is something that has been difficult to get going here, but we now have five. Your bulbs and blue skies are announcing spring is on its way!

  6. Nothing like blue skies above and green shoots below--I think spring might be on its way after all. Have a good weekend, Lisa!

  7. Blue skies always lift my spirits and combined with snowdrops, bulbs peaking up and a weekend...can it get better! Such lovely photos, too! Lisa, I know you are glad to see spring visiting your garden! Have a delicious weekend~~gail

  8. The snowdrops got me, almost spring. Lovely images

  9. Lisa -- There's nothing quite like little emerging bulbs, reaching up into that blue, blue sky. I'm so excited that you're seeing the first signs of Spring.

  10. Beautiful church in that first photo. I'm as ready for spring as those crocus;) Have a great Valentine's Day.

  11. I can't wait for spring and yet, I'm trying to enjoy the process. Thanks for all those green photos.~~Dee

  12. I have beautiful skies, but only snow below. Alas.

  13. I love the signs of spring. Yes, I know it is still winter, but hope is popping out of the ground everywhere. I invite you to come see my ferry sunset. - Margy

  14. This is an exciting time - watching the bulbs wake up. It's also a time to worry that they've arrived too soon and may be hurt by frost. It almost doesn't matter, at least to me, when I see early bulbs, because any sign of garden life this time of year is welcome

  15. I like the church in your skywatch photo. Your snowdrops look sweet! Here in the desert, I don't see many bulbs growing, but I sure enjoy pictures of them.

  16. Your photos definitely get me in the mood for spring! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Lisa, great pictures of a perfect sky. Han't seeing the sun these last few days been glorious!

    I just hope those bulbs know what they are doing.

  18. I saw a couple of very early green specks in my garden today, but this afternoon we received a couple of inches or so of snow. Spring is on its way, though!

  19. I can't wait for my snow drops to return! Stunning photos!

  20. Okay, I'm going to have to follow your blog if you don't mind. Prince and I have a small, yet somewhat profitable organice farm here in our charming town.
    Please drop by to visit me if you have a minute or two.
    Happy Valentine's Day and......

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  21. I still am not getting notification of new posts Lisa, but I think I may have fixed it by choosing another of the RSS feeds for your site... hope so anyhow.

    We have daffodils coming up galore here as well with the milder temps! Can't wait for the spring!

  22. Dear Lisa,
    Spring is springing at your house!
    Your blue skies look warm.
    I am watching a Robin this morning eating the berries off the crab apple tree. The ground is still frozen here.
    I just love the photgraph of your snowdrops!
    Soon, very soon I will see flowers too.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  23. Happy Valentine's Day Lisa. Oh I love seeing the little snowdrops & crocus ... beautiful first signs of Spring photos today.

  24. Yay,love your garden life !
    So exciting to see those sprouts comimng out of the ground.

    Everyone keeps talking about "skywatch"...must take a look.

  25. there is a lot of hope in these photos.

  26. Dear Lisa, what a fabulous garden you have! And how fun to connect to you on Bloom Day. Thanks for seeing my garden, and someday, I hope to get to Indiana to meet yours in person.

  27. I love the new spout on the grow:)


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